Great expertise in Africa in One Database
The AGDVC membership database brings together different stakeholders and expertise from across Africa ranging from research scientists, public health professionals, mathematical modellers, social media experts, regulation & policy experts, and many more. This platform opens the conversation around topics such as novel technologies in health notably the gene drives.

Mr Abdissa Biruksew Hordofa
Assistant Professor Of Medical Parasitology, Phd Candidate In Tropical And Infecious Diseases, Jimma University
Areas of Expertise
Bioinformatics Epidemiology GIS Malaria & other VBDs Medical Entomologist Modelling Parasitology Population Genetics Spatial analysis Vector ControlLanguages
Amharic Oromo
Mr Abdoul-Aziz Maiga
Phd Candidate, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso)
Areas of Expertise
Epidemiology Malaria & other VBDsLanguages
Arabic English French Hausa
Dr Abdoul-Azize Millogo
Health Geography And Gis, Irss And Inss
Areas of Expertise
Malaria & other VBDs Vector Control GIS Spatial analysisLanguages
English French
Miss Abdoulaye Gouro Samira
Medical Entomologist, National Malaria Control Program
Areas of Expertise
Malaria & other VBDs Vector Control Malaria & other VBDs Vector ControlLanguages
English French
Dr Abdullahi Muhammad
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Bayero University, Kano And Liverpool School Of Tropical Medicine
Areas of Expertise
Malaria & other VBDs Medical Entomologist Vector ControlLanguages
Mr Abdulwahab Hassan Aliyu
Medical Laboratory Scientist, Medical Laboratory Science Council Of Nigeria
Areas of Expertise
Malaria & other VBDsLanguages
Mr Abebual Yilak
Phd Student, Tuebingen University/Addis Ababa University
Areas of Expertise
Epidemiology Malaria & other VBDs Population Genetics Vector ControlLanguages
Amharic English
Mr Achaz-Achim Mawugnon Agolinou
Phd Student, Institut De Recherche En Science De La Santé, Direction Regionale De L'ouest (Irss-Dro)
Areas of Expertise
Malaria & other VBDs Vector Control Malaria & other VBDs Vector Control Bioinformatics Malaria & other VBDs Medical Entomologist Vector ControlLanguages
English French
Dr Adedapo Adeogun
Research Fellow, Nigerian Institute Of Medical Research
Areas of Expertise
Malaria & other VBDs Population Genetics Vector ControlLanguages
English Yoruba
Miss Affoue France-Paraudie Kouadio
Phd Student, Centre Suisse De Recherches Scientifiques En Côte D'ivoire