Coordonnateur du Système d’Information Géographique du projet Target Malaria.
Responsable de la commission « Logiciel SIG » de l’association des professionnels de la Géo information du Burkina Faso (APRo-GI).
28 March 2018: Presentation on mobile data collection with Kobotoolbox at INSS in the framework of the partnership between the Institute of Social Sciences (INSS) and the Centre of Expertise in Cartography and Remote Sensing (CECARTEL)
❖ 16-20 May 2016: Field entomology and stakeholder engagement Technical Meeting
❖ 15-16 June 2015: Joint field entomology Technical Meeting, Target Malaria Project, Ouagadougou. Presentation of the use of GIS and GPS in the field entomology work of the project.
❖ 1 February 2015 - 31 January 2016: National Service for Development (SND), 62ème promotion
❖ Since December 2014: Research Engineer in Geography at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique/Institut des Sciences de Sociétés (CNRST/INSS) in Ouagadougou
❖ Since August 2013: Head of Geography-Mapping-GIS-Spatial Analysis at IRSS
❖ 1er July-31 December 2012: internship in geography, cartography, GIS and spatial analysis at
the Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé/Direction Régionale de l'Ouest (IRSS/DRO)
❖ August 2012: Enumerator/Enumerator of the Population of Ouagadougou and Bobo Dioulasso (EPOB 2012) at the Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie (INSD)
❖ May-November 2012: National volunteer/land use engineer at the Conseil Régional des Hauts-Bassins
Millogo Abdoul Azize, Yaméogo Lassane, Kassié Daouda, Ouédraogo François de Charles, Guissou Charles et Diabaté Abdoulaye. Spatial modelling of malaria prevalence associated with geographical factors in Houet province of Burkina Faso, West Africa. GeoJournal (2022).
Franck Adama Yao, Abdoul-Azize Millogo, Patric Stephane Epopa, Ace North, Florian Noulin, Koulmaga Dao, Mouhamed Drabo, Charles Guissou, Souleymane Kekele, Moussa Namountougou, Robert Kossivi Ouedvbraogo, Lea Pare, Nourou Barry, Roger Sanou, Haida Wandaogo, Roch K. Dabire, Andrew McKemey, Frederic Tripet, 02/2022, Mark-release-recapture experiment in Burkina Faso demonstrates reduced fitness and dispersal of genetically-modified sterile malaria mosquitoes, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 1-11.
MILLOGO Abdoul Azize, YAMEOGO Lassane, OUEDRAOGO François de Charles, GUISSSOU Charles et DIABATE Abdoulaye, 12/2021, Modélisation du risque palustre dans la province du Houet à l’aide du krigeage bayésien empirique ; Revue de Géographie de l’Université de Ouagadougou (RGO) 2 (10), 113-138
Amadou Guindo, Patric Stephane Epopa, Sidy Doumbia, Abdoul-Azize Millogo, Brehima Diallo, Franck Adama Yao, Bilkissou Yagoure, Frederic Tripet, Abdoulaye Diabate, Mamadou B Coulibaly, 12/2021, Improved BioGents® Sentinel trap with heat (BGSH) for outdoor collections of Anopheline species in Burkina Faso and Mali, West Africa, Parasites & Vectors, 1(14), 1-14.
Abdoulaye Niang, Simon P Sawadogo, Abdoul A Millogo, Nwamaka O Akpodiete, Roch K Dabiré, Frederic Tripet, Abdoulaye Diabaté, 12/2021, Entomological baseline data collection and power analyses in preparation of a mosquito swarm-killing intervention in south-western Burkina Faso, Malaria journal, 1(20), 1-12
Roger Sanou, Hamidou Maïga, Bazoumana D Sow, Adama Ouema, Abdoul Azize Millogo, Koama Bayili, Aristide Sawdetuo Hien, Simon P Sawadogo, Souro Abel Millogo, Adrien Marie Gaston Belem, Roch K Dabiré, Léa Paré Toé, Abdoulaye Diabaté, 12/2021, Large-Scale Deployment of Pyriproxyfen-Treated Lehmann Funnel Entry Traps to Control Malaria Mosquito Populations, Preprint research square
Patric Stéphane Epopa, Adoul Azize Millogo, Catherine Mathilda Collins, Ace North, Samantha O’lounghlin, Mark Quintin Bennedict, Roch Kombobr Dabiré, Frederic Tripet, Georges Anicet Ouédraogo and Adoulaye Diabaté. Anopheles gambiae s.l. is found where few are looking: Assessing mosquito diversity and density outside inhabited areas using diverse sampling methods. Epopa et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:516, 13p.
Patric Stéphane Epopa, Catherine Mathilda Collins, Ace North, Abdoul Azize Millogo, Mark Quintin Benedict, Frederic Tripet and Abdoulaye Diabaté. Seasonal malaria vector and transmission dynamics in western Burkina Faso. Malar J. 2019 ; 18 :113, DOI 10.1186/s12936-019-2747-5.
Patric Stéphane Epopa, Abdoul Azize Millogo, Catherine Matilda Collins, Ace North, Frederic Tripet, Mark Quentin Benedict, and Abdoulaye Diabaté. The use of sequential mark-release-recapture experiments to estimate population size, survival and dispersal of male mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex in Bana, a west African humid savannah village. Parasit Vectors. 2017; 10:376.
Sawadogo SP, Niang A, Bilgo E, Millogo A, Maïga H, Dabire RK, et al (2017) "Targeting male mosquito swarms to control malaria vector density" in PLoS ONE 12(3), p11
K. R. Dabiré, P. S. Sawadogo, D. F. Hien, N. S. Bimbilé-Somda, D. D. Soma, A. Millogo, T. Baldet, L.-C. Gouagna, F. Simard, T. Lefèvre, A. Diabaté, R. S. Lees, J. Gilles.2013, « Occurrence of natural Anopheles arabiensis swarms in an urban area of Bobo-Dioulasso city, Burkina Faso, West Africa », In Acta Tropica 130 (2014), pp44–50.
Namountougou, Moussa; Soma, Dieudonné; Sangaré, Ibrahim; Djouaka, Rousseau; Hien, Aristide; Kientega, Mamadi; Kaboré, Alexandre; Sawadogo, Simon; Millogo Aziz; Balbone, Mahamadou; Baldet, Thierry ; Ouedraogo, Jean Bosco; Martin, Thibaud; Simard, Frédéric; Ouedraogo, Georges ; Diabaté, Abdoulaye; Gnankine, Olivier; Dabire, Roch, Use of different cotton pest control strategies (conventional, organic and transgenic) had no impact on insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. populations in Burkina Faso, West Africa",3/2022, International Journal of Pest Management, 1-12p.
Irissa ZIDNABA, Abdoul Azize MILLOGO et Sylvie KOROGO : 2020, Impact de l’orpaillage sur la santé de la population dans le sud-ouest du Burkina Faso. Vol.36, n° 1, Sciences et technique, Lettres, Sciences sociales et humaine, pp113-138.